No More "ACNE" Program
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Teen Acne Zapper:
All skin types: Except extreme sensitive
This package is for teens ranging from 13-19 and is designed to target acne that occurs in teenagers due to hormonal changes in their bodies. A combination of PETER THOMAS ROTH Acne Clinical Products will be used to help clear your skin of acne.
With a consultation
Follow up treatment
Once your acne is under control it is recommended that you continue a monthly facial and you will need to maintain your daily skin care regimen to keep your acne under control.

Adult Acne:
All skin types: Except extreme sensitive
This package is for adult-onset acne and is designed to target acne that occurs in older women ages ranging from 20s, but more common in the 30s -50s. A combination of PETER THOMAS ROTH & JUNE JACOBS Acne and Pre-Mature Ageing Products are combined to help clear your skin of acne while combating the signs of aging. Adult Acne is usually caused due to hormonal changes and increased sebum.
With a consultation
Follow up treatment
Once your acne is under control it is recommended that you continue a monthly facial and you will need to maintain your daily skin care regimen to keep your acne under control.

Deep Cleansing Bacne:
All skin types: Except extreme sensitive
This package is for teens and adults suffering from acne on their backs. It is designed to target acne that occurs due to hormonal and other changes in our bodies. A combination of PETER THOMAS ROTH Acne Clinical Products will be used to help clear your skin of acne.
With a consultation
Follow up treatment
Once your acne is under control it is recommended that you continue a monthly bacne treatment and you will need to maintain your daily skin care regimen to help keep your acne under control.
Products Package for at Home Care:
These at home care clinical products are recomended to be purchased on your first session.
PTR Acne Spot Treatment
PTR Acne Clearing Wash
PTR Max Correction Pads
PTR Acne Clearing Wash
PTR Therapeutic Sulphur Mask
PTR Max Correction Pads
This program includes bi-monthly facials/bacials to clean and clear the pores and an at-home regimen to maintain the skin and minimize breakouts. All packages include a free consultation on the first facial/bacial appointment to identify the type of acne that you have. During the consultation, we will also determine the products in which we will cleanse, exfoliate (chemical, mechanical, or enzyme). The extraction method, type of mask, and serums used will also be decided on at this time.
*A Series of Chemical Peels are recommended after your acne is under control to brighten and lighten any dark spot that may be a result of your acne lesions.
Gentleman's Grooming:
For all ingrown hair challenges
Except for cuts, wounds or open abrasions
This package is for any man who suffers from ingrown hairs on their neck & face. It is designed to effectively take care of any stubborn and ingrown hairs that occurs from wet or dry shaves, sensitive skins or any hormonal imbalances. A combination of PETER THOMAS ROTH Clinical Products will help combat this challenging skin problem.
First session with consultation
Follow up session
Price: $99 (Per Session) or $198 (2 Sessions)
2 monthly sessions highly recommend